Family Owned
And Operated
Featured Patterns
Orange Peel
Helping you create future heirlooms stitch by stitch.
Need a longer longarmer? We think experience matters, batting choice matters, and thread color matters!
I have personally quilted OVER 10,000 quilts with pictures of all of them in my feed.
I keep over 300 shades of thread in stock so you can be sure I will find the perfect color for your quilt!
My batting is hand selected for strength, softness, and durability.
Located smack dab in the middle of the country it only makes sense to ship your quilts to me!
We strive to exceed all of your expectations with every quilt that goes out our door.
Pictures of all in feed. Using our select batting # Successful #Success #quilted #quilt #quilts #quilting #quiltsofinstagram #quiltsofinsta #sew #sewing #sewin #sews #modernquilt #modernquilting #modernquilts #quiltingbydavid #longarmquilting #qualitystitching #battingbydavid #machinequilting #selectbattingbydavid
Helping you create future heirlooms stitch by stitch.
Need a longer longarmer? We think experience matters, batting choice matters, and thread color matters!
I have personally quilted OVER 10,000 quilts with pictures of all of them in my feed.
I keep over 300 shades of thread in stock so you can be sure I will find the perfect color for your quilt!
My batting is hand selected for strength, softness, and durability.
Located smack dab in the middle of the country it only makes sense to ship your quilts to me!
We strive to exceed all of your expectations with every quilt that goes out our door.
Pictures of all in feed. Using our select batting # Successful #Success #quilted #quilt #quilts #quilting #quiltsofinstagram #quiltsofinsta #sew #sewing #sewin #sews #modernquilt #modernquilting #modernquilts #quiltingbydavid #longarmquilting #qualitystitching #battingbydavid #machinequilting #selectbattingbydavid
Bubbles and Swirls
Helping you create future heirlooms stitch by stitch.
Need a longer longarmer? We think experience matters, batting choice matters, and thread color matters!
I have personally quilted OVER 10,000 quilts with pictures of all of them in my feed.
I keep over 300 shades of thread in stock so you can be sure I will find the perfect color for your quilt!
My batting is hand selected for strength, softness, and durability.
Located smack dab in the middle of the country it only makes sense to ship your quilts to me!
We strive to exceed all of your expectations with every quilt that goes out our door.
Pictures of all in feed. Using our select batting # Successful #Success #quilted #quilt #quilts #quilting #quiltsofinstagram #quiltsofinsta #sew #sewing #sewin #sews #modernquilt #modernquilting #modernquilts #quiltingbydavid #longarmquilting #qualitystitching #battingbydavid #machinequilting #selectbattingbydavid
Interstellar lite
Helping you create future heirlooms stitch by stitch.
Need a longer longarmer? We think experience matters, batting choice matters, and thread color matters!
I have personally quilted OVER 10,000 quilts with pictures of all of them in my feed.
I keep over 300 shades of thread in stock so you can be sure I will find the perfect color for your quilt!
My batting is hand selected for strength, softness, and durability.
Located smack dab in the middle of the country it only makes sense to ship your quilts to me!
We strive to exceed all of your expectations with every quilt that goes out our door.
Pictures of all in feed. Using our select batting # Successful #Success #quilted #quilt #quilts #quilting #quiltsofinstagram #quiltsofinsta #sew #sewing #sewin #sews #modernquilt #modernquilting #modernquilts #quiltingbydavid #longarmquilting #qualitystitching #battingbydavid #machinequilting #selectbattingbydavid